Support Our Work


laptop pick up (2)

Please give! The SCSF is working to bridge the digital divide and support state charter schools!

100% of your donation will go to devices and Internet for students and grants to schools.

We MUST bridge the digital divide. Students must have an electronic device at home and access to the Internet. Devices come with training and technical support, ensuring that families know how to use and maintain the device. Our goal is to serve 1,500 students over the next year with devices and/or Internet access with our partner, Inspiredu. Give $400 to provide a device to student. Give $30 to provide a student one month of Internet access. 

Please, give generously, so that the SCSF can help remove barriers to education. EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR MATTERS!

See the joy at recent laptop distributions at state charter schools! Read more about this important initiative: SCSF Bridging the Digital Divide Initiative


per pupil gap

Georgia lawmakers made a significant investment in state charter schools with the passage of HB787, making state funding more equitable. However, state charter schools still face a gap in funding. In 2018-19, state charter schools received an average of $9,257 in  federal, state, and local funding, compared to $12,199 received per pupil by traditional public schools, as reported by the Georgia Department of Education. This per pupil gap amounts to a significant hurdle for our schools ranging from competitive teacher salaries to classroom resources.

Individual, foundation, and corporate giving support the mission and strategic focus areas of the State Charter Schools Foundation.